Rishi Agastya Father of Portable Electricity and Battery ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ The basic method of generating portable electricity is based on the ancient principles of Rishi Agastya. Electricity was known to Hindus of Bharat thousands of years ago, when rest of the world was ignorant about the concept of generating electricity. The science is timeless and legacy was passed on from the Bhagwan and his deities to Rishis of Bharat. Enormous amount of exchange of energy, fire and electricity happened whenever war was fought in ancient India. The major weapons and the destruction they caused can be seen below: Brahmastra, described in a number of the Puranas, it is considered as the deadliest weapon. When the Brahmastra is discharged, there is neither a counterattack nor a defense that can stop it. Narayanastra, the fire missile of Bhagwan Vishnu in his Narayan avatar. Sudarshana Chakra, a fast spinning disc weapon of Bhagwan Vishnu which generates huge amount of energy as it moves. Thunde...
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